Kester House

Parking / drop off

We can't wait to see you! Our driveway has space for 8-10 cars. Please enter through the northern driveway entrance (marked by the mailbox), pull forward as far as you can, and park along the right side and along curb in front of the house. That keeps the street-facing side of the driveway clear for drop-offs. If there are no spots available turn right out of our other driveway access and take the second left onto Augustine Lane to park.

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Augustine Lane parking

Augustine Lane is near the big Glenside curve and is a 1-2 minute walk on the Southern sidewalk of Glenside. It may look like there is walking space across the street from Augustine, but residents planted stuff there long ago and the walkway is gone.

When on foot to our house, cross at the first / southern driveway entrance as it has the best views of traffic both ways during the day. When leaving or at night, the other driveway has the better view.

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